Resolutions (Constitution, Article IV, Section J, 2.)

Resolutions are proposed changes, recommendations, or documents of recognition for an action outside of the SGA’s direct influence. Senators use this to take an official stance on something that is happening in the SMCM community. An example is when SGA released a statement in support of St. Mary’s CVOID-19 Guidelines and encouraged students to abide by them.


St. Mary’s College of Maryland Student Body and Student Government Association Support for the creation of a Kate Chandler Campus Community Farm Manager and Professor Position - “The Student Body has officially expressed their desire for St. Mary’s College of Maryland to begin the process of hiring a qualified farm manager who will be able to manage the Kate Chandler Campus Farm and potentially serve as a professor in the Environmental Studies Department.”


Resolution to SGA Bill S22:01 - “Final Climbing Wall Repairs and Improvements” - “the SGA will not shoulder any further maintenance costs of the SMCM MPOARC Rock Climbing Wall without the MPOARC also contributing a significant amount in conjunction (i.e. an approximate 50/50 split regarding payment(s)) in order to ensure that the SGA doesn't have to pay for the approximate full cost(s) for anything related to the wall in the preceding future.


“Student Opposition to Proposed Credit Transfer Policy” - "When [the proposed credit transfer policy] was presented to the SGA for feedback, we overwhelming voted against the implementation of the proposed policy with 88.9% (16 people) voting against it, 5.6% (1 person) stating they were fine with either, and 5.6% (1 person) voting in favor of the proposed policy;"


Supporting the Faculty Senate’s Resolution on “The Defense of Academic Freedom...” - “The Student Government Association firmly stands with the Faculty Senate’s stance to reject any attempts by bodies external to the College to restrict or dictate college curriculum on any matter, including racial and social justice, and will stand firm against encroachment on faculty authority in the classroom…”


Standing in Support of Trans and Non-Binary Students - “The SGA affirms the gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation of every student and supports those protesting for more inclusive and effective treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals on campus…”


St. Mary’s College of Maryland Support for MaryPIRG Student Climate Action Coalition’s (MSCAC) FUTURE Act - “The St. Mary’s College of Maryland Student Government Association will write a letter of support for MaryPIRG Student Climate Action Coalition’s (MSCAC) FUTURE Act…”